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Alright so look, you're probably wondering, "Why don't these guys have a Facebook page to follow?"

Well let me tell you, it's CERTAINLY not because we don't like Facebook. Make no mistake, we bow down to our Facebook overlords with great respect and appreciation for the empire they have so gloriously organized for the betterment of all human kind.

However, interesting story... It's a strange situation where for some reason Facebook keeps deleting the band pages we make saying that we're in violation of their community guidelines. Of course we were SHOCKED and APPALLED at such an accusation. We wept bitterly for weeks, pleading at the feet of a golden statue of Mark Zuckerberg which we erected ourselves, laying down burnt offerings as reparation for our unforgivable trespasses. We went through the guidelines with a fine tooth comb desperately seeking to find out what we may have done to cause such an offense and could not find any reason why this should be happening... and yet, it is!


So here we are, we don't use Facebook. We really encourage you to subscribe to our other social platforms instead, but even better would be to subscribe to our email list. That's probably the safest bet that you can ensure you'll remain connected and informed about our future releases and ongoings. And if you are wary of signing up for yet ANOTHER email list, not wanting to have your inbox crowded full of more annoying junk emails that you never read, do not fear.


Our emails are rare, but they're ALWAYS mo-fugging great! You'll be so excited when one finally comes. It'll be that same feeling you get when an ACTUAL letter comes for you in the mail, and it's from your grandmother or long time penpal or whatever. What a marvelous feeling that is! And if you DO for some reason start to get annoyed by our correspondence, it's always only one simple click to unsubscribe, right there in the bottom of the email.

You can sign up by going to the "contact" page in the top menu. We hope to keep in touch with you, and thank you for taking the time to read this brief explanation.


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